Posted to the AOL 4.0 Beta Development Boards...

Finally, after a year of waiting, AOL 4.0 is finally going to be out. It's official!

The AOL programmers have added just about enough bugs in it to have it entered in the genuis book of world records for the greatest number of bugs. This way although the software will be unfit to run, AOL can claim "they have award winning software" because it won an award for the greatest number of bug reports.

We thank all you beta testers out there for your submittal of bug reports! :-) With each bug you find for us, we make sure to keep it in there and not remove it.

- The AOL 4.0 Development Team

Note: thought it's signed by "The AOL 4.0 Development Team," rumor has it this was just a disgruntled beta-tester letting of steam....