"You can't say that!"Later...
"Can't say what?"
"You can't say bullshit."
"You're kidding. Will Bob Dole come and get us?"
"We have to have some ground rules about this. We're a family service."
"Holy fuck, who are these people."
"Can you say dick?"
"How about penis?"
"How about wee willy? Can I say wee willy?"
AOLer: I've read the terms of service....She was TOSsed, of course.
AOLer: I just don't remember "genitalia" being a dirty word
AOLer: Can I say "teat"
AOLer: genitalia?
AOLer: TOS me when I hit it, okay?
AOLer: asexual?
AOLer: penis?
AOLer: Hey, remember that time Jimmy Stewart was on the "Tonight Show"
AOLer: and he said "leave the milk for the tits"
AOLer: ANd then he said, "Tits is English for bird...?
AOLer:Can I say.......cajones?
Playboy magazine referred to the incident in a July, 1995 article on censorship. "Last fall on AOL, a user typed the word prick during a discussion, then quickly added 'your finger' on the next line to cover her tracks. Soon after, a male particpant tested the guidelines with "genitalia" and "asexual". Both users were warned; one was evicted."
In fact, here's the final confrontation.
Actually, there was a little more to it...
AOLer: prick
AOLer: your finger
Guide GO: Vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Wait....that wasn't vulgarity. it was a verb!
Stpfljes: guide i think shes got you there
At this point, Mary's text is prevented from appearing on the screen. Mary's is never informed of this. She continues typing...
AOLer:: Let's see who can get the *closest* to swearing, without actually doing it.
AOLer: Prick.
AOLer: Your finger.
AOLer: Come on, this is a game you can all play!
AOLer: Dick
AOLer: Cavett
AOLer: dick.
AOLer: "Why don't you ask another question, Dick?"
AOLer: "What don't you fold it six ways and stick it where the moon don't shine." Dick Cavett'73
ToddT38799: Hey mary ...bend over and let me do you
AOLer: Okay....I'm bending over...now what?
FirstBrew: mary ever read bukowski
AOLer: Bukowski? I love him! Let's hear it!
ToddT38799: here it comes
FirstBrew: mary dont give in to him which one best
ToddT38799: spread it a little more
AOLer: Describe it! Use graphic words, please! I insist!
FirstBrew: like post office and dirty old man
Guide GO: Good evening everyone.:) How is everyone doing this evening?:)
BryanP5421: R U N
AOLer: Fine! And yourself?
SPIDERM540: shit up...i'm tired of this niceness ..
Guide GO: SPIDERM540 vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
SPIDERM540: typo..ooops..
AOLer: Significant typo.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Yeah, Spiderman!
AOLer: Spiderman's been doing that all night!
FirstBrew: some one spilled the beans
AOLer: Hey, did you hear the joke? "What was Jesus sitting on when he rode into Jerusalem?"
AOLer: His ass!
AOLer: Ha ha ha ha!
AOLer: Get it? Ass!
AOLer: Ha ha ha ha!
ToddT38799: mary knock that sh.. off
ToddT38799: straighten up..
AOLer: "Why, what an ass I am! This is most brave!"
AOLer: Shakespeare.
ToddT38799: mary......
AOLer: Can I say "knock that sh** off?"
AOLer: That's not a TOS violation?
ToddT38799: be careful....
Guide GO: That is a violation and do NOT say it
AOLer: No it isn't!
AOLer: Man, I feel like Penn Jillette!
ToddT38799: mary...are you still there
AOLer: Yeah!
ToddT38799: your a "puss"
Guide GO: Todd please do NOT harass other members. Thanks
AOLer: Todd's been harassing me about my profanity!
Guide GO: Does anyone have any AOL system questions I may help them with?:)
ToddT38799: I doubt it]
AOLer: prick
AOLer: your finger
Guide GO: Mary5913 vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Wait....that wasn't vulgarity. it was a verb!
Stpfljes: guide i think shes got you there
ToddT38799: guide...Im on your side
AOLer: bullsh**
AOLer: he is not on your side!
Guide GO: Mary 5913 discussion of illegal activities is a violation of the Terms of Service.
AOLer: Illegal activities?
Guide GO: oops sorry
ToddT38799: mary.... dont help me...
AOLer: Wait......what's illegal about pricking your damn finger?
Guide GO: Mary5913 vulgarity even though masked is a violation of the Terms of Service.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Yes, but what's illegal about pricking your damn finger?
AOLer: I can say "damn", right?
AOLer: Or do I need to say d***
VickyB1006: i hate guides
SPIDERM540: todd is the REAL problem, you see he has no genitalia.... asexual...get it?
Guide GO: SPIDERM540 vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
AOLer: Can we say "asexual?"
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Wait......what was the vulgarity?
AOLer: Can you tell us which of Spiderman's words were vulgar?
Guide GO: Mary I suggest you go read your Terms of Service
Stpfljes: may i suggest that you read the constitution of the united states of america
ToddT38799: guide.... I dont think there any real vulgarity here..
Nug4bong: VickyB1006 what is your age and where are you from?
AOLer: Nug4bong discussion of illegal activites is a violoation of the Terms of Service.
Nug4bong: whaT the hell are you talking about you are the one in violation.
AOLer: I think she was underage
Trout Esq: are we talking legalities here or just matters of taste?
ToddT38799: it depends
AOLer: I've read the terms of service.....
AOLer: I just don't remember "genitalia" being a dirty word.
AOLer: Can I say "teat"
AOLer: genitalia?
AOLer: TOS me when I hit it, okay?
AOLer: asexual?
AOLer: penis?
AOLer: Hey, remember that time Jimmy Stewart was on the "Tonight Show"
AOLer: and he said "leave the milk for the tits"
AOLer: ANd then he said, "Tits is English for bird...?"
AOLer: Can I say.......cajones?
Mary has been ejected from AOL. And the official reason given: She used the word "prick".
Guide GO: I am just talking about the Terms of Service:)
Trout Esq: fascist
Stpfljes: which are vague therefore void
Stpfljes: and unenforceable
Trout Esq: agreed
Guide GO: Not really:)
ToddT38799: and we appreciate that but are you monitoring conversation. adifferent situation
SPIDERM540: response......loving, heartwarming response.....i love you guide go.....:)
ToddT38799: aint he wonderful
Stpfljes: well i think the room is in agreement
SPIDERM540: i said love.........oops .....typo.......
Stpfljes: yes watch it love is four letter word
SPIDERM540: mary, what's your take on this....tyranny...
Stpfljes: marys gone
Guide GO: Well I have to be GOing now. If there are any TOS problems and you need a guide.....
Guide GO: Please use Keyword GUIDEPAGER.
Stpfljes: guide did u dump mary
ToddT38799: what happened to mary
Kids4sale: She left
Stpfljes: or the guide had her dumped
AOL: "uh...there was a vulgarity um, that was used on the 13th."
Mary: Does it say what the vulgarity used was?
AOL: Uh, yes it does. It says the word was "prick".