The October 3, 1997 issue of Rolling Stone reported the following behind-the-scenes conversation that took place when Clive Barker made an on-line appearance. Two sentences into it, he used the word "bullshit".

"You can't say that!"
"Can't say what?"
"You can't say bullshit."
"You're kidding. Will Bob Dole come and get us?"
"We have to have some ground rules about this. We're a family service."
"Holy fuck, who are these people."
"Can you say dick?"
"How about penis?"
"How about wee willy? Can I say wee willy?"

It's oddly-reminscent of a conversation that took place in an AOL chat room, over two years ago...
AOLer: I've read the terms of service....
AOLer: I just don't remember "genitalia" being a dirty word
AOLer: Can I say "teat"
AOLer: genitalia?
AOLer: TOS me when I hit it, okay?
AOLer: asexual?
AOLer: penis?
AOLer: Hey, remember that time Jimmy Stewart was on the "Tonight Show"
AOLer: and he said "leave the milk for the tits"
AOLer: ANd then he said, "Tits is English for bird...?
AOLer:Can I say.......cajones?
She was TOSsed, of course.

Playboy magazine referred to the incident in a July, 1995 article on censorship. "Last fall on AOL, a user typed the word prick during a discussion, then quickly added 'your finger' on the next line to cover her tracks. Soon after, a male particpant tested the guidelines with "genitalia" and "asexual". Both users were warned; one was evicted."

In fact, here's the final confrontation.

AOLer: prick
AOLer: your finger
Guide GO: Vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Wait....that wasn't vulgarity. it was a verb!
Stpfljes: guide i think shes got you there
Actually, there was a little more to it...

AOLer:: Let's see who can get the *closest* to swearing, without actually doing it.
AOLer: Prick.
AOLer: Your finger.
AOLer: Come on, this is a game you can all play!
AOLer: Dick
AOLer: Cavett
AOLer: dick.
AOLer: "Why don't you ask another question, Dick?"
AOLer: "What don't you fold it six ways and stick it where the moon don't shine." Dick Cavett'73
ToddT38799: Hey mary ...bend over and let me do you
AOLer: Okay....I'm bending what?
FirstBrew: mary ever read bukowski
AOLer: Bukowski? I love him! Let's hear it!
ToddT38799: here it comes
FirstBrew: mary dont give in to him which one best
ToddT38799: spread it a little more
AOLer: Describe it! Use graphic words, please! I insist!
FirstBrew: like post office and dirty old man
Guide GO: Good evening everyone.:) How is everyone doing this evening?:)
BryanP5421: R U N
AOLer: Fine! And yourself?
SPIDERM540: shit up...i'm tired of this niceness ..
Guide GO: SPIDERM540 vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
SPIDERM540: typo..ooops..
AOLer: Significant typo.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Yeah, Spiderman!
AOLer: Spiderman's been doing that all night!
FirstBrew: some one spilled the beans
AOLer: Hey, did you hear the joke? "What was Jesus sitting on when he rode into Jerusalem?"
AOLer: His ass!
AOLer: Ha ha ha ha!
AOLer: Get it? Ass!
AOLer: Ha ha ha ha!
ToddT38799: mary knock that sh.. off
ToddT38799: straighten up..
AOLer: "Why, what an ass I am! This is most brave!"
AOLer: Shakespeare.
ToddT38799: mary......
AOLer: Can I say "knock that sh** off?"
AOLer: That's not a TOS violation?
ToddT38799: be careful....
Guide GO: That is a violation and do NOT say it
AOLer: No it isn't!
AOLer: Man, I feel like Penn Jillette!
ToddT38799: mary...are you still there
AOLer: Yeah!
ToddT38799: your a "puss"
Guide GO: Todd please do NOT harass other members. Thanks
AOLer: Todd's been harassing me about my profanity!
Guide GO: Does anyone have any AOL system questions I may help them with?:)
ToddT38799: I doubt it]
AOLer: prick
AOLer: your finger
Guide GO: Mary5913 vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Wait....that wasn't vulgarity. it was a verb!
Stpfljes: guide i think shes got you there
ToddT38799: guide...Im on your side
AOLer: bullsh**
AOLer: he is not on your side!
Guide GO: Mary 5913 discussion of illegal activities is a violation of the Terms of Service.
AOLer: Illegal activities?
Guide GO: oops sorry
ToddT38799: mary.... dont help me...
AOLer: Wait......what's illegal about pricking your damn finger?
Guide GO: Mary5913 vulgarity even though masked is a violation of the Terms of Service.
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Yes, but what's illegal about pricking your damn finger?
AOLer: I can say "damn", right?
AOLer: Or do I need to say d***
VickyB1006: i hate guides
SPIDERM540: todd is the REAL problem, you see he has no genitalia.... asexual...get it?
Guide GO: SPIDERM540 vulgarity is a violation of the Terms of Service.
AOLer: Can we say "asexual?"
Guide GO: Please stop NOW. Read at Keyword TOS.
AOLer: Wait......what was the vulgarity?
AOLer: Can you tell us which of Spiderman's words were vulgar?
Guide GO: Mary I suggest you go read your Terms of Service
Stpfljes: may i suggest that you read the constitution of the united states of america
ToddT38799: guide.... I dont think there any real vulgarity here..
Nug4bong: VickyB1006 what is your age and where are you from?
AOLer: Nug4bong discussion of illegal activites is a violoation of the Terms of Service.
Nug4bong: whaT the hell are you talking about you are the one in violation.
AOLer: I think she was underage
Trout Esq: are we talking legalities here or just matters of taste?
ToddT38799: it depends
At this point, Mary's text is prevented from appearing on the screen. Mary's is never informed of this. She continues typing...

AOLer: I've read the terms of service.....
AOLer: I just don't remember "genitalia" being a dirty word.
AOLer: Can I say "teat"
AOLer: genitalia?
AOLer: TOS me when I hit it, okay?
AOLer: asexual?
AOLer: penis?
AOLer: Hey, remember that time Jimmy Stewart was on the "Tonight Show"
AOLer: and he said "leave the milk for the tits"
AOLer: ANd then he said, "Tits is English for bird...?"
AOLer: Can I say.......cajones?

Guide GO: I am just talking about the Terms of Service:)
Trout Esq: fascist
Stpfljes: which are vague therefore void
Stpfljes: and unenforceable
Trout Esq: agreed
Guide GO: Not really:)
ToddT38799: and we appreciate that but are you monitoring conversation. adifferent situation
SPIDERM540: response......loving, heartwarming response.....i love you guide go.....:)
ToddT38799: aint he wonderful
Stpfljes: well i think the room is in agreement
SPIDERM540: i said love.........oops .....typo.......
Stpfljes: yes watch it love is four letter word
SPIDERM540: mary, what's your take on this....tyranny...
Stpfljes: marys gone
Guide GO: Well I have to be GOing now. If there are any TOS problems and you need a guide.....
Guide GO: Please use Keyword GUIDEPAGER.
Stpfljes: guide did u dump mary
ToddT38799: what happened to mary
Kids4sale: She left
Stpfljes: or the guide had her dumped
Mary has been ejected from AOL. And the official reason given:
She used the word "prick".

Ironically, so did the AOL employee who told her this...
AOL: "uh...there was a vulgarity um, that was used on the 13th."
Mary: Does it say what the vulgarity used was?
AOL: Uh, yes it does. It says the word was "prick".

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