It's..... The happiest blog on earth

"Elvis brings the Big Beat to Bagdad!"

Amazingly, Elvis Presley goes to Iraq in his 1965 movie Harum Scarum...

Lured by a desert temptress into an Arabian rumble!
Risking his neck for dames he never saw before!

And seconds later, he's singing them love songs!

It's the Arabian Nights a Go-Go!

These are all actual quotes from the movie's trailer...

It's crazy, man! One minute our hero's singing his way out of the pokey. And the next he's swinging cool, as he invades the inner sanctums of love!

[The title card displays the words"Where the Slave-girls and Sultans are Swingers"]

In your wildest nightmares, you've never imagined such goings on as Elvis 'gets with it' in a rockin' rolling swinging spoof!

Amazingly, the movie opens with Elvis sitting next to an official from the State Department......

12:35 PM