*** FAQ (Part II - Celebrities ) ***
AOL has appearances by important people.
This is being done on IRC (especially on the Undernet). Speakers have
included David Gergen, Frances Moore Lappe' (Diet for a Small
Planet), Paul Martin Du Bois (co-author, The Quickening of America);
Susan Stamberg (NPR Special Correspondent); and Howard Rheingold
(Executive Editor, HotWired).
But I like commercialism! What about when a celebrity appears on AOL?
On AOL, most questions don't get answered, and again, questions are
picked through by an AOL Guide. Attendance is limited to a few hundred,
and the experience also suffers when questions are limited to the pool of
AOL users.
Here's how Scott Rosenberg of the San Francisco Examiner described
his attempt to watch Mick Jagger's appearance.
"I Can't Get No Interaction"
You couldn't see the thick lips, and you couldn't hear the thick British
drawl. But Monday night on America Online, you could watch Mick Jagger
The online celebrity forum is an increasingly common marketing tool that
puts a famous name behind a keyboard to take questions from a crowd of
cyber-onlookers...It's a pretty inefficient way to find out stuff about
the rich and famous--though it does provide the best insight yet available
into their typing skills.
Like many others, I spent the hour from 6 to 7 p.m. vainly clicking on the
AOL "Coliseum" icon, pounding on the door to the room where Jagger was
answering questions. I wound up with a bunch of other Jagger turnaways in
another AOL forum, the Odeon, where Oingo Boingo bandleader and
movie-soundtrack composer Danny Elfman was also holding an online chat.
After curtly dismissing several questions relating to Jagger, Elfman
finally lost it when someone asked, "What about the rumors involving you
and David Bowie which have been repeated again and again by Howard
"I'm not Mick Jagger, you blithering idiot," the musician responded.
[copyright San Francisco Examiner]
AOL excised this exchange from the transcript they made available to their
users. But from what's left, it's still obvious that Elfman wasn't having a
good time.
Question: Loved "wierd science" & "dead man's party". How about a new Oingo
Elfman 1: Are you trying to piss me off or what? I just came out with a new
Boingo album. Why the f*** do you think I'm here right now?
Question: where should composers go who want to get their music placed in a
film (songs/soundtrack/themes,etc.?
Elfman 1: I would suggest a good long stay in a nice quiet sanitarium. Make
sure you find one with pretty nurses and lots of strong drugs.
Masturbation four times a day is also an excellent exercise in
becoming a film composer. I put most of my music up my butt, not
knowing where else to place it.
Question: what is your favorite food??
Elfman 1: My girlfriend's p#$@y
Question: Did you invent Batman??
Elfman 1: I am Batman, you imbecile. Use the freeze frame on your video
player and you'll see that it's me. BTW, I also invented Superman
and Spiderman.
Question: --please answer this!!! Did you invent batman??
Elfman 1: Batman was my son in law twice removed, from my first marriage --
if you really must know.
Then there was the interview with Kennedy. Like Elfman, she eventually
got so frustrated with the AOL-ers, she typed in the following joke.
VJKENNEDY: What's the worst part about having sex with an 8 year old
VJKENNEDY: Getting the blood stain out of the clown suit.
Can you blame her? These were actual questions the AOL-er's asked.
I am a dork please help me- from Ha ha Ha
What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Kennedy Will you Be My Friend?
What is the meaning of life?
Are you cool?
i think you're really a black man wearing dresses.
Are you Regular or Extra Crispy?
you should get a tan kennedy
You look good in a bathing suit!
You should mud wrestle Idalas at the Beach House!
You should convince Daisy Fuentes to wear more revealing
clothing on Beach MTV !!
Will you dance naked on a table for my birthday?
ever think of posing Nude?
I want to lick your butt
Do you shave your private parts?
Hey Kennedy are you Bi?
Kennedy how big are you under the shirt?
uncross your legs kennedy your crushing my glasses
Which artist gets you hot?
I here that you and Madonna are lovers, is that true?
The amazing thing is, she answered them!
Question: What is your favorite kind of cheese?
Quesiton: Are you Regular or Extra Crispy?
VJKENNEDY: I'm creamy!
Question: Kennedy what do your neighbors think of you?
VJKENNEDY: They don't speak English so it's hard for me to tell.
Question: Kennedy how big are you under the shirt?
Question: you should get a tan kennedy
VJKENNEDY: Why, so I can be the melanoma VJ?
Question: Are your glasses subscription
VJKENNEDY: No but they are prescription.
Question: do you have a boyfrind?
VJKENNEDY: No, I don't have a boyfriend either.
Question: You should convince Daisy Fuentes to wear more revealing
clothing on Beach MTV !!
VJKENNEDY: Blow me you Putz!
Penn Jillette thinks even less of AOL.
These are the questions the AOL-er's asked him:
Question: If you had a dog, what would you name him?
Question: Are you Canadian?
Question: What do you think can make us nerds any cooler?
Question: hellllllloooo one question...what;s the largest animal you
couldbeat up (with your bare hands) (for a collage essay)
Question: I think the show could use a little more blood.
Question: What's your favorite rock group, Penn?
Question: Will I be as cool as you if I got those shelves you have in
your office?
Question: Understand that Penn is a grad of Ringling's Clown College. Metoo!
Question: Was that a real bunny in the chipper shredder at the gig at
theBeacon in NY?
[The reporter with him started asking questions mocking the AOL-er's]
Josh Quit: what's your favorite food?
Josh Quit: who's your favorite beatle?
Josh Quit: if you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
[ Penn did his best...]
P Jillette: I've never hit a person or animal on purpose. C'mon let's have
some questions.
P Jillette: Buster, the dog would be named Buster. He would be mean and
never bark.
P Jillette: I didn't like the Beatles very much, but John was good after
he left. I hated Paul, that stoned ****** ****.
What makes this interesting is Penn's remarks were passing through the
AOL moderator, and AOL's Terms of Service prohibit words Penn wanted to
It starts like this:
P Jillette: I'll take all questions, what the hell are we waiting for.
P Jillette: I'm in the desert and I've got a Tony Bennet concert and a
strip show to go to. Let's get this reactor on fucking line.
Question: First, what kind of cardiovascular program are you on? You are
going to have a hear attack. Second, will I be as cool as you
if I got those shelves you have in your office?
P Jillette: I dug it. I eat 5% of calories from Fat and I'm in "The
Zone" 35 minutes a day. My heart kicks ***.
P Jilette: Hey, who's censoring me? I thought *** would be okay. What
about ****?
[ He starts doing it on purpose: ]
Question: How did you decide on a career in magic?
P Jillette: We thought since everyone ***** in magic that we could be
Question: Have you and Teller ever tried to make David Copperfield
P Jillette: Copperfield is in a different biz from us, he's doing magic,
last I heard. We're kicking ******* ***.
P Jillette: Josh, say ******* something.
Josh Quit: can you do a trick for us, Penn?
P Jillette: The computer shows get a little rougher. I say ************
Josh Quit: levitate me.
P Jillette: That was a private message to Josh, can't I swear to Josh?
P Jillette: I loved "Lois and Clark" Great **** She has a great ****
of ****.
Question: Penn-We're worried about your health. Do you have a
P Jillette: WHO is censoring me! Yeah, I work out every day and I eat
smart. I've just lost 22. But who cares? stop ******
censoring me.
Question: Penn, how about an article for WiReD?
Josh Quit: yeah, you can say *** and ****.
Question: Penn - you and Teller sure make great Christmas presents.
Anythingneat planned for this year you could share with us?
P Jillette: Talk to the Cubans risking their lives to live in the landof
the free. Talk to them about Fat boy. What did you see this
Xmas, nipple tape? How did you see it?
P Jillette: Maybe you haven't read the constitution.
Question: Okay, so where's Teller? Will he be doing stuff like this?
P Jillette: Teller has done one of these before and we're going to start
doing them often. Probably on CompuServe where they don't
have a moderator.
Amazingly, Penn's statement "Let's get this reactor on fucking line"
appears in the transcript AOL made available online. AOL's Terms of
Service even prohibit profanity masked by symbols, so the entire
transcript violates their own rules.
Finally, the first entry in Jennifer Finch's Lollapalooza Tour Journal to
be made available on AOL, which she was keeping as part of a record
company promotion.
Hey, So here I am in Denver with an evening off with every good intention of
writting out a tour diary ( a "log" if you will) but wouldn't you know it,
Star Trek is on...
[end part II]
Questions List, Part I
Frequently-Asked Questions List, Part III
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