This weekend upon entering a new area, AOL members were greeted with this message:

Please bear with us for a moment while we quickly download several new tools and features to your system, at no charge to you. We'll take care of the installation. Click "OK" to continue....

NOTE: if you are using other Internet applications over AOL (like Netscape) any file downloads currently in progress will be aborted if you choose to accept this new feature.

"OK" was your only choice.

Today's selection of actual messages from AOL's Exit and Welcome screens....

Not just another pretty screen name--Meet your neighbors@AOL ON The Move!

Meet your AstroMate...

Edgy roleplay. Mouth to Mouth. Vampires of the Black Bayou...

Life on AOL - Part I
Life on AOL - Part II
Sneak Preview: Part III
Life on AOL - Part IV
Life on AOL - Part V
Life on AOL - Part VI
Life on AOL - Part VII
Life on AOL - Part VIII
Life on AOL - Part IX

Life on AOL - Part XI
Life on AOL - Part XII
Life on AOL - Part XIII
Life on AOL - Part XIV
Life on AOL - Part XV
Life on AOL - Part XVI
Life on AOL - Part XVII

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